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User guide


Run npm install to install all dependencies. Then follow the rest of the user guide to configure your instance.

Creating a collection

Rotcelloc uses CSV-files that you write yourself to manage your collection. You enter your collection in the CSV file, and then configure rotcelloc to use that file. A single collection can consist of several input files, and each file gets treated as a “group”. Groups will be displayed in the interface. Rotcelloc does not enforce any organizational pattern on your files, so you’re free to handle them however you want - one way could be to have the file designating where the items are, for instance “OnShelf.csv” and “InFolder.csv” - or you can simply have a “My(Movie|Series|Game)Collection.csv”. You can enter as little or as much information in the file as you wish. Rotcelloc will do its best to retrieve the rest.

Because the files are simple CSV-files, you can easily manage them in a revision control system, such as git, your data is not locked into any one application, and can be easily converted to other formats in the future if you want to. Your collection can also be viewed and searched without any applications at all, if the need should arise.

You can use any CSV-compatible application to edit the files, everything from something as simple as vim to something as comparatively complex as LibreOffice. See the section on “CSV-file format” for information on how to lay out your files, and how to tell ie. LibreOffice to export it.

In addition to the CSV-files, Rotcelloc can also retrieve your collection automatically from Steam. This is as of now the only supported third party source for a collection. See the tools/ directory for scrapers that you can use with other services to generate one-off CSV-files for you to make it easier to bootstrap your collection. If a service you’re using is missing, feel free to write one and send a pull request.

Configuring rotcelloc

Rotcelloc needs a configuration file to know which files to load your collection from, what kind of collection it is as well as the name of the collection. The configuration file is in the CSON format. See for a quick reference.

The configuration file does not have to live in the same directory as the application. Your working directory does have to be the same directory as the config file is in when you run rotcelloc.

To get a basis file to work with, copy rotcelloc.config.cson.tpl to rotcelloc.config.cson in the directory you want to use it from, and then edit the latter file. You can add as many “collections” as you wish, and each collection can have any number of files.

When you compile the collection webapp it will be output to an “out”-subdirectory of the directory that the rotcelloc.config.cson lives in.

Toplevel options

menuSiteTitle - this is the title that will be displayed on the top right of your site. Any text string is permitted.

maxEntriesPerRenderedPage - to not overload a browser on large collections by trying to display one thousand images at once, rotcelloc uses a form of infinite scrolling to limit the load. It only displays maxEntriesPerRenderedPage at one time, when the user is reaching the bottom of the result, it renders the next batch of the same number. A reasonable place to start is 100.

maxEntriesPerRenderedPageMobile - this is the same as the above, except this version only applies to mobile browsers. Those are often running on limited connections and generally have weaker hardware than their desktop counterparts (and they also show fewer results on-screen at a time). It is therefore useful to limit them more than desktops. A reasonable place to start is 40.

language - set this to the language you want rotcelloc to use. The supported languages can be found in i18n/. Additional translations are welcome.

deployTo - set this if you want to use rotcelloc to deploy the site (using –deploy). This is used as the target for rsync. Be careful with the target, all other files in the deployment target will be deleted. It can be a remote target in the form remote:/directory or a local target in the form /directory. If you don’t want to use –deploy, you can either delete this entry, or set it to null.

Collection options

The name of a collection is its key. Its value is another object/hash of key-value pairs. The following keys are permitted:

“type” (required) - this key which defines what kind of collection it is. These can be “movies”, “series”, “games” or “books”. This is needed because it tells rotcelloc how to retrieve metadata information.

“defaultSort” (optional) - this key sets the default sorting for this collection. It accepts “year” and “rating”. If this is not set then it will be automatic (which is “alphanumeric” sorting for collections without any disneyClassicNo, and a special disney classic sorting + alphanumeric for those that have disneyClassicNo entries).

“sources” (required) - this is an array that lists all files that are to be included into this collection. Each array entry can contain the following keys:

See the examples/ directory for examples of more advanced configurations.

CSV-file format

rotcelloc expects a ;-separated CSV file. You can have comments in the file if you want, using a hash (#). All columns are optional except for the title. The column titles are case insensitive (will all be converted to lowercase internally). You can add any columns you wish and Rotcelloc will simply ignore any it does not know what to do about.


Columns valid for all types

title - The title of the item (ie. game, movie or TV series title)

origTitle - The original title of the item (ie. if the title is localized. Not required, but can make it easier to download metadata)

altTitle - An alternate title for the item (ie. the English title if the origTitle is not in English, and the title is localized. Having this can make it easier to download metadata in these cases)

year - the year the item was released (while not required, it is a recommended field as it makes the metadata extractor much more accurate).

genre - a comma-separated list of genres. rotcelloc can also be configured to generate this from the downloaded metadata by setting a key in the config.

note - a generic text field for additional information you want to be displayed with the entry. This field is searchable in the webapp.

rating - your custom rating for this entry (1-6)

customCover - a complete URL for a HTTP resource to download the cover for this item from. If omitted the cover will be auto-detected. This field can be useful in the few cases where rotcelloc is unable to find a cover on its own.

added - an ISO 8601 date for when you added this item to your collection. This field is completely optional.

Columns only valid for movies and TV series

seasons - a comman-separated list of the seasons of a TV series that you own

imdbID - the IMDB id for this item. This is to help rotcelloc find metadata for the item, or force it to use a certain entry if it detects the wrong one. As we use the TMDB, if this is omitted we will do what we can to autodetect it using TMDB (which usually works very well).

actors - a list of actors for the item, will be extracted from metadata if omitted

disneyClassicNo - this is a special entry, it sets the «Disney Classics» number. It is used to provide special sorting for Disney Classics, and to display the number.

format - the format of the item, ie. BluRay, DVD. Can be a comma-separated list if you have the item in multiple formats.

watched - a boolean, set to “yes” if you have watched the title or “no” if you haven’t. Can be omitted. Having at least one watched=no entry allows filtering for “titles you have not watched” in the webapp.

Columns only valid for games

platform - which platform the game is on, ie. Linux, Windows, PS3, Vita.

format - the format of the game, ie. DVD, Steam, GOG, PSN, BluRay etc.

Columns only valid for books

author - the book author(s)

publisher - the book publisher

language** - the language your copy of the book is in

Standing on the shoulders of giants

rotcelloc uses a huge amount of libraries and metadata soures, and wouldn’t be possible without them.

Metadata sources

TMDB - The Movie Database. Used for all movie and TV series metadata and posters. Used for game metadata and posters.

Steam. Used to retrieve metadata on Steam games and fallback game posters.


rotcelloc uses many libraries, not all are listed here. See the source for the others. Thanks for making great libraries available as free software.

Bootstrap - used for the layout for the webapp.

csv-parse - used to parse the CSV files.

wait.for - used to convert async libraries to synchronous

commander - used to parse command-line parameters

ejs - used for templating

UglifyJS - used to minify JS

SASS - used to compile SCSS to CSS

jQuery - used for DOM-traversal and manipulation in the webapp

lodash - used for various utility functions in both the command-line and web apps


Thanks to Lisbeth Helen Storebø and Helene Hemstad for ongoing feedback and testing.


Copyright © Eskild Hustvedt 2015-2017

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see

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